Treatment in Israel

Every year close to a hundred thousand patients seek medical treatment in Israel. It is easy to see why: The IHRC (International Healthcare Research Center) has named Israel is the number 1 nation in the world in quality of care and medical technology advancement. This, coupled with affordable prices, which are noticeably lower than in the US and Western Europe, doctors and nurses who are fluent in English, and a pleasant Mediterranean climate, make Israel a popular destination.

Israeli specialists are famous for fertility treatments such as IVF, life-saving heart operations, plastic and cosmetic surgery and innovative cancer treatment protocols. Additionally, Israel boasts world-renowned orthopedic surgeons, who specialize in knee and hip joint replacements and spinal operations. Finally, it is a common destination for patients seeking LASIK procedures.


Hip Replacement in Israel

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 15:45 Orthopedy
Hip replacement in Israel

A hip replacement surgery (also known hip endoprosthesis) is an effective way to restore lost lower limb function and relieve pain. Indications for the procedure include:

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Urinary Bladder Cancer Treatment in Israel

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 11:16 Oncology, Urology
Bladder Cancer

Most bladder cancers develop in the urothelium (the bladder’s innermost layer). Left untreated, the disease tends to metastasize into bones, lungs, and/or liver.

Bladder Cancer Causes & Symptoms

It's believed that the main cause of bladder cancer is exposure to carcinogenic substances (aromatic amines, certain industrial chemicals and diesel fumes), which reach the bladder mucosa via urine.

Additional risk factors for bladder cancer are:

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Thyroid Cancer Treatment in Israel

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 13:41 Oncology
Thyroid Cancer Treatment in Israel

Thyroid cancers are relatively uncommon. However, with timely treatment, both cure and 10-year survival rates are very high. While experts don’t yet have a definitive answer as to what causes the condition, exposure to radiation (including radiation treatment) is considered a major contributing factor.

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Cervical Cancer Treatment in Israel

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 13:21 Oncology
Cervical Cancer Treatment in Israel

Cervical cancer occurs due to growth of abnormal cervical cells. When found early, it can often be successfully treated. The disease can be diagnosed by means of a PAP-smear.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment in Israel

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 14:46 Neurosurgery
Trigeminal Nerve

Trigeminal neuralgia is an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V), which can lead to intense electric-shock-like facial pain lasting from a few seconds to several minutes that occur in response to stimulation of the face (i.e. shaving, chewing, brushing teeth or even putting on makeup). The condition is chronic, and symptoms tend to become more severe over time. It is more common among people over 60 but can develop at any age. Most often, its exact causes are unknown.

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Kidney and Ureteral Stones Treatment Israel

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 12:12 Urology
Kidney and ureteral Stones Treatment in Israel

Urinary tract stones form from mineral and salts. While small kidney or ureteral stones usually don’t cause any symptoms, larger ones may cause significant discomfort including urinary retention, excruciating pain, bleeding and frequent infections.

Small stones (up to about 6-7 mm in diameter) can be passed naturally. Larger ones, however, require treatment.

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Lung Cancer Treatment in Israel

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 14:20 Oncology
Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a disease characterized by the random and uncontrolled cell growth of lung tissue. Without timely treatment, it can metastasize into other parts of the body, such as the brain.

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